As countries continue to dump UST because the US dollar and US’s national debt are imploding, they’ll want something solid. Gold won’t work because the US holds too much of the precious metal and there is an entire story behind how the Gold Standard failed. Other countries understand that story and understandably want to break away from US hegemony.
They may turn to SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) which are the “currency” used for global, nation to nation payments issued by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).
The IMF and World Bank are underpinning the entire global economy. Under the guise of “Foreign Aid” and “Foreign Investment”, the developed countries within the US hegemonic orbit have become the feudal lords of the developing and underdeveloped world.
Resources are siphoned off from these nations, the new Third World, using the power of the fiat money printer to pay off or eliminate their leaders. The new First World consists of those nations in the US hegemonic orbit. The First World has held the peace and increased prosperity within their borders following the Second World War. This has been accomplished by exporting their inflation to the Third World, extracting resources at rock bottom prices compared to the inflation that hits the Third World. Thats why these nations, rich with resources, continue to stay so poor. Meanwhile, inflation at “home” is minimized because of the imports of cheap raw materials and finished goods.
Unfortunately, SDRs are backed by the very nation’s that are experiencing current devaluation. If this approach is taken, it will be just another can kicked down the road, perpetuating the fiat Ponzi Scheme a little longer. This will shift the power into the hands of the global bureaucrats and those who can control and manipulate them. None of this is possible without the fiat money printer. The amount of undue and unearned wealth, power and influence has led, as is always the case throughout history, to unfathomable corruption and waste.
A corrupt and wasteful government cannot be perpetuated forever, as eventually they succumb to the debt death spiral, where the cost of paying the interest alone on a nation’s debt, even in The New First World, become the largest portion of a nation’s budget. The USGs payments on the interest rate alone will surpass the US Defense Budget by 2025. Thats for the country at the center of this fiat Ponzi Scheme who, despite Americans suffering under inflation, is the least effected by it globally.
It’s clear that the US Empire is in decline. Other countries are not ignorant of this either, as they physically and economically test the imperial periphery. Nations all across the world have begun dumping the Global Reserve Asset as they see it has failed to secure their wealth and they are susceptible from being cut off from the very international system that enslaves them. This is why the BRICs nations are discussing their own currency and Saudi Arabia has begun trading oil in other than USD.
We’re living through revolutionary times, both politically and technologically. That’s no surprise as technology has always been a major driving force of political revolution. The printing press made it easier to disseminate alternative points of view which helped break the Church’s stranglehold on information and control. The Separation of Church and State was a milestone in human civilization. Not because religion was bad, but because the undue and unearned wealth, power and influence of the Church led to unfathomable corruption and waste.
Similarly, albeit exponentially so, the internet has made it far easier to disseminate alternative points of view. We see it all around us as the corporate press has become irrelevant and can no longer be labeled “mainstream”. The breaking of their stranglehold on information and control is leading to a revolution at the same time the monetary system is collapsing and another technology, built on top of the internet, is proving it can fix the money.
You can blame Biden or Trump, Democrats or Republicans, Putin or Zelenskyy, socialism or capitalism, but until you understand how they all continue to use this broken system for their own advantage, you’ll never see what needs to be fixed.
The only viable option to secure your wealth and your personal sovereignty is Bitcoin. Understanding that you’re already living through a revolution is the first step in taking part in The Revolution. Our goals, regardless of ideology or political affiliation, should be nothing short of the Separation of Money and State. Only then can we be free to test out our theories in the market place of ideas.
I challenge you to consider whether or not we’re living through a revolution. If you come to the same conclusion that I have, you have a choice to make. Will you sit back and watch it unfold or are you going to step up and take action in this beautiful moment in the advancement of the human civilization?
History is written by those who took action and succeeded.